Homily: November 30, 2024, feast of St. Andrew the Apostle (Preach the Gospel)
"Their voice has gone forth to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world." Today’s first reading is one of my favorite Bible passages. It is filled with beautiful, encouraging, and uplifting words. What makes it even more remarkable is that it was written by St. Paul while he was imprisoned, awaiting his trial which he knew would very likely be a death sentence. Yet, there was no sign of desperation, frustration, or lamentation about his situation in his writing, only positivity and great hope in his words. This is the power of the Good News. How happy are the feet chained for the sake of the Gospel. How joyful are the hands imprisoned yet proclaiming true freedom. Recently, when I went for a house visit, I saw Bible verses written on a long whiteboard which also served as a door. I was deeply moved by this. The parents of that house were sharing the Gospel in creative ways not just with their children, but with everyone who comes to their door. They were clear...