Homily: February 1, 2025 Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time (Faith of Abraham)
"By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; he went out, not knowing where he was to go." When I first read this passage, I became curious about the person and life of Abraham. Who is he? Why was he so faithful to a God whom he had never seen? I opened my Bible and read Genesis 12, titled ‘The call of Abraham’. It was how the history of salvation began. Abram’s life, before he was renamed Abraham, was stable and comfortable. He probably had all that he needed and could just relax and enjoy his life into old age. But when he heard the call of God to leave his comfortable home, he trusted, packed up and left. The amazing fact is that he did not even know where he was to go. Thereafter, his life was full of challenges, yet he remained faithful to God. He heard God’s voice deep within his heart, lived with full confidence in God, trusting in His constant presence in his life. Faith is just that - a consistent and fir...