Homily: March 2, 2022, Ash Wednesday

 Today begins another holy season of Lent. A time to turn away from sinful ways. To turn back to God.

Ash Wednesday reminds us that we are from dust. Unto dust we shall return. God looked at dust and loved. He gave dust His breathe of life. God looks at us and loves. He gives us His body, blood and spirit.

What can we give Him?

“Even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart”. God doesn’t want anything from us, He wants us.

Live in God. Live with God. Live for God. In God’s ways.

When I first came to this country, I saw crowds packing the mega churches. Non-Catholic Christian churches. I was really fascinated. Our Catholic churches are hardly ever filled. I asked an elderly priest, “why?”

He replied, “Ours is a worship and sacrifice. Theirs is a show.” People like shows, performances, excitement.

The world says, “be heard, be seen, be known, and be successful.”

The Gospel says, “pray but don’t be heard, fast but don’t be seen, give but don’t be known, and be faithful.”

That is how God is, unseen, hidden, working in secret. That is why the world doubts, “where is their God?” they question.

But God sees. He sees each of us. He sees in secret. He sees what’s real. Our hearts matter to Him, not our show.

What about us? What truly matters to us?

Be reconciled to God. Now is an acceptable time. Now is the day of salvation.



Homily: March 4, 2025, Tuesday of the Eight week in Ordinary time (Empty Handed)

Homily: July 15, 2024, Monay of the fifteenth week in Ordinary time (Pleasing God).

March 1, 2025: First Holy Communion Homily: St. Joseph's Catholic Church Seffner, Florida

Homily: February 14, 2023, Tuesday of the sixth week in Ordinary Time.

Homily: April 17, 2024 Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter (Jesus does not Reject)

Homily: February 11, 2025, Tuesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time (Multiply)

Homily: March 6, 2024, Wednesday of the Third week in Lent (Laws)

Homily: Thursday, June 9, Thursday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

Homily: December 28, 2024 Feast of the Holy Innocents (Suffering).