Homily: February 10, 2025 Monday of the Fifth week in Ordinary time (Good)
"God Saw How Good It Was."
I love to read the story of creation, to visualize how it all started, the see our origin, the source of our being. God, in His infinite love, created the world to express His goodness, and made humanity the crown of His creation, to reflect His perfection.
His expression was good. His reflection was good.
Everything He created was good because each of His creation had a purpose for existence, a place in the world, a special relationship with Him. There was unique beauty in each, and harmony as a whole.
His grace was in everything. He could see it. It was truly good.
We know that as the story continued, the beauty and perfection were shattered soon after, by the sin of man, God’s masterpiece of all His created beings.
Superficially, we see that God’s creation was destroyed. However, if we look around the world today, we can still see glimpses of the original goodness. A newborn baby. A full bloom flower. A bright rising sun.
We can see how good it is.
While sin continues to corrupt the world and attempt to break it apart, but truly, God’s creation which carries His powerful love, His perfect goodness and His very life in its brokenness and imperfection, can it ever be destroyed?
God saw how good it was, good enough to last and transform into what He intended it to be.
Whatever was broken can be restored, renewed and rejuvenated. Jesus is the restorer, the healer, the savior. In today’s Gospel we see how ‘as many as touched (the tassel on his cloak) were healed’.
We need more than just the restoration of body and mind, we also need our darkened souls to be restored from the death of sin.
Today’s world, just as the world has been from the beginning, needs restoration. We need Jesus. God sent Jesus.
He saw how good it was.
Whoever accepts God and walks in His ways, accepts Jesus and carries Him in their hearts, will reflect true peace, joy, and love – the fruits of good.
Let us bring God into our lives and be restored to the goodness and beauty that our Creator intended for us.
I so needed to hear your words as to the world's goodness. With the state of global affairs, it is good to think of the goodness of creation and the goodness that surrounds us when we believe in Jesus our God in our hearts and souls. Your words I trust to help have calm for the next four years.