Homily: February 15, Saturday of the Fifth week in Ordinary time (Refuge)
“In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge.”
Today's responsorial psalm is deeply moving if we take the time to meditate on the words and meaning. God is our refuge, our hiding place, our safe haven.
When I was little, every time my siblings and I made our mommy angry, we would always run into my grandpa’s room to escape from mommy. Because grandpa would always protect us, and mommy would not beat us in his presence. He was our best protection, our safest shield from punishment. But of course, when mommy cools down, grandpa would advise us to apologize to her and remind us not to upset her again.
Our God is like that. He is the One who can protect us from all danger to our souls and shield us from evil. But we must run to Him.
In the first reading, we hear about the moment when Adam and Eve sinned. For the first time in their life, they experienced shame, guilt, darkness, failure, sadness, and brokenness. Instead of taking refuge in God, they tried to hide from Him in shame.
Truly, do you think we can ever hide our sins and wrongdoings from God?
No. He knows, He sees, and He waits for us to come clean with Him. Because He does not want us to hide from Him, but He wants us to show ourselves to Him, to detach from sin. We can grow in holiness when we take refuge in Him.
St. Peter boldly declared our one and only choice, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).
Is there any where in the world safer than being in the Lord’s presence?
Is there any one in our life more protective than our God who made us?
Our ancestors in scripture sought refuge in God during their darkest, lowest moments. The great saints left everything in their lives to take refuge in God.
So, to whom shall we go when we experience desperate moments, when we are weeping and brokenhearted, when we are troubled and disturbed, when we fail and sin?
Do not hide in shame, go to our one and only true refuge - our Lord and God. In Him we find forgiveness and mercy, love and strength, joy and happiness. Amen.
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