Homily: February 14, Monday, Memorial of Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop

 For readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/021422.cfm

“No sign will be given to this generation”.

Jesus had already performed so many miracles which truly, only God can do. Yet the Pharisees were still asking for a sign from heaven.

I recall one incident in my childhood. I was probably in 1st or second grade. In those days, there were no telephone connections in our villages. One day, our neighbour’s daughter-in-law was admitted to the hospital for childbirth. They needed to inform her parents who lived in the next village.

So, my older brother and I became their messengers. We were asked to deliver the news but we have never been to that village before. Our neighbour drew us the direction to get there, including prominent signs to look out for. But somehow, we got lost. It was a one-hour walk.

So, we decided to pop into every house in the village to ask if they were the people we were looking for. Finally, we came to this house where we found a man working in his farm, and we asked the question. He didn’t answer but told us to follow him. We followed him into his house, he gave us two bananas and finally said, “I am the one whom you are seeking.”

Wow. What a relief and joy too. Truly, he was the one. We have found the one we have been searching for. Thereafter was another hour of uphill walk back home. The bananas helped.

What were the Pharisees seeking? If they were truly seeking the Messiah, they would believe when Jesus declared His identity and performed the miracles, wouldn’t they? Yet, they asked for more signs.

They were probably so comfortable with the prestige, power and position they enjoyed, such that they were not prepared for change. They resisted the message that Jesus was preaching, about dying to self, selling all possession and following God wholeheartedly.

They looked at Jesus with suspicion instead of looking at themselves with shame.

The first reading warns us that “the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed about by the wind.” Such a person will not receive anything from the Lord.

So, my dear friends, if you truly believe without a doubt that Jesus is our Lord and God, then drop your pride, follow him and ask, not for signs, but for wisdom, strong faith and spiritual perseverance. St. James assures us that God will give ‘generously and ungrudgingly’. Amen.



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