Homily: March 3, 2022, Thursday after Ash Wednesday

 “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me”.

First, do you wish to go after Jesus? Make a firm decision.

Second, deny yourself – your desires and ambitions for comfort, convenience, wealth, pleasures, fame, success.

Third, take up your cross – the difficulties, challenges, sufferings that come with the decision to go after Jesus.

Finally, follow Him – the way He fasts, prays, serves. The way he loves, sacrifices, forgives and obeys.

A few weeks ago, a friend with a medical condition was experiencing extreme, unbearable pain. She was sent to the ER at Unity Point. I visited her in the waiting room. While talking to her, she pointed to another suffering man in the room. She said, “He must be in a lot of pain.”

She was bearing a heavy cross. But at that moment she was not thinking about her own. She felt for the suffering of others. That their crosses were heavier than hers.

Do you feel you have the heaviest cross? Do you complain about your cross?

Jesus tells us to take up our cross and follow Him. Where do you think we are going?

Yes, heaven. Our faith is the passport, our cross is the luggage, God’s grace is the flight.

So, let us not negotiate for a lighter cross. But ask for more grace. Take it up and follow. All the way.

We Adore You, O Christ, and We Bless You, Because by Your Holy Cross You Have Redeemed the World. 


  1. Our faith is the passport, our cross is the luggage, God’s grace is the flight. Jeff and I love this sentence. So poetic! Well Done!


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