Homily, May 31, 2022, Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

 “For at that moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy”.

When I was studying in the minor seminary, news that my eldest sister was pregnant with her first child was announced. My siblings and I were very excited. According to local Indian tradition, at the seventh month of the pregnancy, the husband’s family would have to send his wife back to her parents’ home to prepare for birth of the child. 

So, my eldest sister came home and stayed with us for three months before the delivery and another three months after the birth of her first-born son. my sister was the only pregnant woman I have ever had close encounter with.

The most exciting experience I had was when I actually saw the movements of my nephew, still in her womb. And whenever me and my siblings came close to talk to my sister, her baby would make movements in her womb. So even a little baby in the womb can sense the presence of other people near the mother. Amazing, isn’t it?

I am sure many of you daddies here must have experienced more exciting baby discoveries.

Today we see Mary visiting Elizabeth. Both are pregnant. This feast day is not just an appreciation of the charitable act Mary showed to Elizabeth. 

It is a remembrance of Mary, bringing Jesus-in-womb to Elizabeth, and to baby John, and to her whole household. It is for us, a celebration of Mary, the blessed Mother chosen by God, bringing Jesus to us. 

The blessed virgin Mary is the first tabernacle to hold Jesus, and she continues to carry Jesus into our homes and families to bless us.

The baby in Elizabeth’s womb could recognise the presence of the Messiah in Mary’s womb, and he leaped with joy. I can imagine how baby John might have tried to leap out of the womb to greet Jesus or tried to kneel in the womb to venerate the Lord.

Our blessed Mother is ever so eager to bring Jesus to every one of us. Are we equally eager to receive her and her Divine Son like Elizabeth and baby John?

I remember our dear parishioner Anna Gomes who returned home to the Lord a few months ago at age 103. I used to give her communion once a week and her face always lit up whenever I took the pyx out from my pocket. She rejoiced in receiving the Lord. I too rejoiced for bringing Jesus to her.

Today is the last day of May, a month dedicated to Mother Mary. Let us ask her powerful intercession for the protection of all unborn babies, strength for unwed mothers in choosing life and for all of us to find joy in the presence of the Lord. May we recognise His true presence in the Holy Eucharist and give thanks! Amen.

Fr. Nivin Scaria 



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