Homily: June 6, 2022, Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
According to St. John’s gospel, Jesus’ last words before He died is: “It is finished.”
What is finished?
I did my Theology and post graduate studies in Rome, at the seminary Pontificio Collegio Internazionale Maria Mater Ecclesiae, the name means ‘Mary, Mother of the Church’. Outside the chapel, there was a beautiful mosaic image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For six years I walked in and out of that place daily, I must have seen it more than two thousand times, yet all through those years, I had never stopped to appreciate that image or to reflect deeper about it. I was oblivious to Mary’s presence in my life.
But now as I look back, I can see how she has always been there for me. Mother Mary must have been looking at me as I walked in and out of the college struggling through my studies and difficulties, waiting to comfort me. I was not aware, but she was watching out for me, all the time.
Mary, Mother of the church, like all good and loving mothers, has always been in our lives, she has always been in the life of church.
At the annunciation, Mary’s ‘yes’ to God made her the spouse of the Holy Spirit, she became the mother of God the Son. At the wedding feast in Cana, Mary requested Jesus to ‘save the day’ for the bridal couple, she was and continues to be the intercessor for all our daily needs. In today’s first reading, we see the disciples ‘devoted themselves with one accord to prayer’ in the upper room with ‘Mary the mother of Jesus’ on the day of Pentecost.
And in the Gospel, the passage specially chosen for today’s feast, we see Mary at the foot of the cross, contemplating the mystery of the suffering and death of her divine Son, Jesus. It was at that moment, that Mary became the Mother of the Church.
“Woman, behold your son…behold your mother.”
“It is finished.”
The original phrase in Latin is Consummatum est, which means ‘it is consummated’. The marriage is consummated, completed, two has become one, the relationship between Christ and His Church is brought to fruition. Jesus’ mission on earth is accomplished, finished, upon giving His mother to His disciples, His church.
In His coming, Jesus gave the world the gift of salvation. In His leaving, He gave all who believe in Him the gift of His mother.
From the womb to the tomb, she was there with Jesus. From Jesus’ leaving till His next coming, Mary will be here with His church. Nurturing, protecting, guiding us to Jesus. She is always watching over us, are we aware?
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us!
Fr. Nivin Scaria
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