Homily: June 7, 2022, Tuesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time.

 “You are salt of the earth.”

When couples are in love, they call each other ‘sweetheart’, ‘honey’ and maybe ‘sugar’? Because they add sweetness to each other’s life.

And most religious leaders would expect their followers to be powerful, mighty and unbeatable. But here, Jesus calls His beloved disciples ‘salt’. Such a humble reference. What does Jesus want His disciples to do differently?

One. Humble yet purposeful. Salt is common yet very useful in every home, rich or poor. His disciples would reach out and preach the good news to every home, every family in the world.

Two. Taste enhancing. The right amount of salt makes food tasty. Without it, food tastes bland. Just a sprinkle of it will bring out the full flavor. His disciples would help everyone realise their purpose, to bring about the full consciousness of their true calling as children of God.

Three. Purifies. Traditionally, Holy water is blessed by adding a pinch of salt because salt purifies and wards off evil. Jesus’ disciples should have pure thoughts and intentions in their mission, to avoid evil dealings and always preach holiness. 

Four. Removes evil. In my younger days, my siblings and I would help in the farm, and often, leeches would attach to our legs, sucking our blood. So, we pour salt water on them, immediately they would release their grip and die. Safe and effective. Blessed salt is also used in exorcism. Jesus’ disciples have the power to free and release those possessed by evil spirits.

Five. Salt has healing properties. When we had toothache or mouth ulcers, my mommy used to give us salt water to swish or gargle. And if we got bitten by animals, we would immediately wash the bite marks with salt solution. It may cause sharp pains at first but it sure works. Salt kills bacteria and heals wounds. Jesus’ disciples will bring healing and restore peace to the sick and spiritually disturbed souls.

I am listing only five wonderful qualities of salt here, you may know of more powerful uses. Salt is so essential in life, precious and valuable even in its most humble state. 

So, when Jesus says, “You are salt of the earth”, He is saying that every one of us, His followers, is essential, precious and valuable to the world, even in our simplest ways.

You and I are not sweethearts and sugars of this world, we are salt of the earth. Our purpose is not to agree with the world or be tolerant with its dark cultures, but our mission is to tell the truth and show the way.

We are to help ourselves and others detach from unhealthy lifestyles and sinful habits. It is not comfortable or easy and may even cause pain at first, but Jesus’ salt will remove all that is impure, untrue and damaging.

To save this world, we need to be salty, not sweet.


  1. i like this! sugar feeds cancer cells, that's why this world can do with without sugar, but can never do without salt. thank you for the affirmation Fr. Nivin. Jesus' disciples are needed for the world. Amen!


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