Homily: July 3, 2022, Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

 “Behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves. Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals”.

Jesus is sending his disciples out to proclaim the good news of salvation to all. Yet, his instruction sounds like he is sending them out to die, into a dangerous mission. Instead of advising them to bring all the necessities and resources to be self-sufficient and independent, He is telling them to be helpless and vulnerable.

Can they manage it?

Jesus is the lamb of God. His mission is to give His life for His sheep. He is totally dependent on God alone. He needs nothing else from this world to accomplish His mission. And now He is teaching His disciples to do the same. He is telling us to do the same.

Can we manage it?

Seems difficult, isn’t it?

I have a very good friend Dr. Samuel Thomas. He is a Pentecostal minister. He is the president of Hopegivers International, giving hope of a better future to orphaned, abandoned and underprivileged children. 

In India, founded by his father, and now under his leadership, they have established seventy-thousand churches. Despite having received multiple death threats and murder risks, and even imprisonments, there is no stopping him.

Once I asked him: Sam, what is the secret of your success? Without a second thought, he replied that his first priority, second priority and third priority are to proclaim the good news, proclaim the good news and proclaim the good news. The result is his growing ministry. He wants to be a martyr for the gospel. Although I do not always agree with his interpretation of scripture, I admire his spirit.

What about us? Can we proclaim the gospel fearlessly, with an unstoppable spirit? Can we go out to the world carrying nothing but just the word of God?

In reality, you don’t need to leave your home to preach the gospel. St. Teresa of Lisieux is the patron saint of missions. She lived only 24 years and has never even stepped out of her convent. Yet, she is a saint and doctor of the church, through her simple steadfast faith, through her simple authentic life.

To become a missionary of the gospel, you don’t need to go out to the world. 

Preach and live the gospel in your family, be a good role model to your children, be a good witness to your neighbors. Your vocation is building your family into church, your mission field is your home, your neighborhood, your workplace, your school.

Do you feel inadequate, incompetent, unqualified?

Jesus sent out fishermen and tax collectors, not professional preachers. Jesus says, “Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals”.

Truly, we don’t need anything extra to preach the gospel. We don’t need a degree in Theology or Sacred Scripture. We just need Jesus – His spirit, His grace, His love. This comes from our baptism, the sacraments, and a personal relationship with Jesus.

If everyone of us read the word of God daily, receive the sacraments regularly, and connects with Jesus prayerfully, there will be great changes in our parish, in this country, in the world. There will be great changes in our life.

First, proclaim the gospel to yourself. Then you will know how to proclaim it to others.



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Homily: January 18, 2025, Saturday of the first week in Ordinary Time (High-Priest)

Homilía: Julio 17, 2022, XVI Domingo Ordinario

Homily: November 20, 2023, Monday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time (Hope).

Homily: Janaury 13, Monday of the first week in Ordinary time (Come After me)

Funeral Homily: William J. Baum, June 8, 2023

Homily: April 25, 2023, Feast of Saint Mark, evangelist (Humility)

Homily: Noviembre 15, 2022, Martes de la XXXIII semana del Tiempo ordinario

Homily:August 18, 2024, Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Wisdom)

Homily: March 14, 2023, Tuesday of the Third week in Ordinary time.