Homily: August 15, 2022, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

 “The Almighty has done great things for me”.

Today’s gospel text contains what is known as ‘The Magnificat’, taken from the first line of Mary’s praise and proclamation of God’s greatness, in Latin, “Magnificat anima mea Dominum” - “my soul magnifies the Lord”.

Today, Catholics all over the world celebrate the solemnity of the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary. We celebrate that Mary was taken up to Heaven, body and soul, to be united with Jesus Christ, her divine Son.

It is one of the most important feast days of the Roman Catholic Church calendar and it is a holy day of obligation for all Catholics around the world, except in the United States. Somehow, the church here has made many exceptions to faith practices and has relaxed many traditional, spiritual observances. It is a pity.

On this day in other countries, especially in Asia, the Catholic churches are packed full of worshippers.

Even the Orthodox Church takes this feastday, called the Dormition of the Mother of God, to another level. This day is so important to them, that they fast and abstain from meat, fish, egg and all dairy products for fourteen days before this day. 

Some of our Eritrean families observe this fast and abstinence too, that is why they did not attend our parish picnic yesterday.

Why does Mary magnify, praise and glorify God so wonderfully?

Because, as Mary proclaims, “The Almighty has done great things for me”.

And you know what?

Whatever great things God has done for Mary, He wants to do the same for us! So we too should magnify, praise and glorify God the same way.

Mary’s very existence is part of God’s salvific plan from the very beginning. In the first reading, we read that “the ark of his covenant could be seen in the temple”. Mary is the new Ark of God’s covenant.

In the OT ark, it contained 3 things: the law of God on the stone tablets, Aaron’s budded rod which represented the priesthood and a pot of manna, the bread from heaven. 

Mary, upon saying yes to God’s plan, she carried in her womb Jesus, the Word of God made flesh, who is the eternal high priest and the real bread of life, Jesus’ body and blood. So Mary is the new Ark in the covenant.

Mary carried Jesus from the womb to the tomb, as His faithful beloved Mother. And after Jesus ascended to heaven, Mary also was taken up, because wherever the Lord is, Mary also will be. True to the words of angel Gabriel who addressed Mary, “full of grace, the Lord is with you”.

Jesus is always with Mary. Mary is always with Jesus. In heaven and on earth, where the tabernacle is and whenever Mass is celebrated. Mary is here at the altar of sacrifice, just like she was with Him at the foot of the cross.

Mary is here with us now, in our midst, to pray and intercede for us. Blessed Virgin Mary assumed to Heaven, Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death. Amen



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