Homily: September 28, 2022 Wednesday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time (For children)

“God is wise in heart and mighty in strength; who has withstood him and remained unscathed?”

How many of have visited another state in the USA? Have you visited another country out of the USA?

Do you know how many countries are there in the world today? 

The answer is: 195 countries!

When we travel to different places, we would realize that the world is so big. If you were to visit my home country India, you may have to take three flights and travel about 30 hours to arrive.

The world is so huge, isn’t it? And the whole world is far bigger and beyond this earth, the sun, the moon and the stars. Can you imagine it? I can’t.

And who created all these? God. With His wisdom and mighty strength God created all these. Everything is so organized with their own characteristics and structures, it cannot happen by accident nor by chance. 

Is there anything or anyone stronger than our God? No, definitely not.

But I found that many children think Spiderman is stronger than God. Recently a 4-year-old boy told me that he is spiderman and he was so excited to tell me everything about spiderman.

I visited my cousin a few weeks ago and her 5-year-old boy told me that his Hero is John Sena, because he is super strong. I found out later that John Sena is an American wrestler.

All these people and superheroes may seem powerful and strong, but they cannot create this huge, big world like God did, they can’t create life from nothing. Only God can. 

We all want to follow and worship the strongest and most powerful one, and we want to live with the most loving and good people, don’t we? Because then we will be truly safe and happy.

In today’s gospel text, we heard Jesus ask people to follow him. Two of them gave excuses for delaying.

Jesus is always inviting each of us to follow him. Do we also give Him excuses?

Jesus is the Son of God. He loves us so much that He was willing to die for us. He is so powerful that He rose from death. Jesus is the best hero to follow and the most loving friend to live with all our life.


(preached at School mass at Holy family school, DSM). 



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Homily: June 5, 2023, Monday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time (Bury the dead).