Homily: September 28, 2022, Wednesday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time.

 “I will follow you wherever you go.”

Couples deep in love would probably say this to each other. These are words of commitment, of total dedication and complete sacrifice of self, for the other.

But have you ever said these words to Jesus? Would you be able to make such a promise of commitment to Him in your discipleship?

The truth is, we all have said it, in different words, during our baptism and at every profession of faith. To profess that we believe, implies that we commit to follow.

The next question then is, do we live it?

Couples who said those words but do not act on it would likely break up in no time. What about our relationship with Christ?

I am sure all of you here who diligently attend daily mass, do love Jesus deeply and would follow Him wherever his sacrifice is being celebrated, even if you travelled out of town, even if the distance to church was far, even if it meant sacrificing something, like your lunchbreak, to receive Jesus for the day. You are not content with just attending Sunday mass once a week, you want more of the Lord. I am always inspired by you all and appreciate your presence very much.

In the gospel, we see Jesus going towards Jerusalem to be persecuted, to suffer and to die. Along the way, Jesus was preaching the good news to the poor, forgiving sins, healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, bringing hope to others while walking towards His own suffering and death. If you were there, would you have followed him all the way?

A few days ago, I received information that our diocese is hosting information nights for those considering serving as permanent deacons in the church. There is much work to be done. Our parish too have been looking for more staff and volunteers to help serve this growing community.

Do you feel Jesus calling you to follow Him closer, deeper and further? Would you be willing to take a step forward in your love relationship with Jesus?

Will you volunteer? Will you work for the parish? Will you think about becoming a deacon?

Jesus wants to go around to the poor and the forsaken, the sick and the sinners of our society. They need to hear the good news, they need to be healed, to be saved, to be loved. There is much work to be done. Will you follow Jesus wherever He goes?




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Homily: January 18, 2025, Saturday of the first week in Ordinary Time (High-Priest)

Homilía: Julio 17, 2022, XVI Domingo Ordinario

Homily: November 20, 2023, Monday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time (Hope).

Homily: Janaury 13, Monday of the first week in Ordinary time (Come After me)

Funeral Homily: William J. Baum, June 8, 2023

Homily: April 25, 2023, Feast of Saint Mark, evangelist (Humility)

Homily: Noviembre 15, 2022, Martes de la XXXIII semana del Tiempo ordinario

Homily:August 18, 2024, Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Wisdom)

Homily: March 14, 2023, Tuesday of the Third week in Ordinary time.