Homily: December 20, 2022, Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Advent.
As a priest, I also follow the daily reflections of other good preachers, to learn their insights and to be inspired and nurtured spiritually.
There is one daily reflection which I follow closely, that of Archbishop William Cardinal Goh, the Archbishop of Singapore. His reflections always touch me so deeply and open my mind to new perspectives. I admire his courage to correct the church lovingly, his deep trust in God, and his passion for evangelization and dedication for his ministry, at the same time he is also very humble.
Last night as I was preparing the homily for today, i was thinking about my struggles and challenges trying to minister and lead this parish. I always felt that my weaknesses are too great and my strengths too mild to do a good job here. My own faith and self confidence have been tested intensely.
Then reading Archbishop Goh's reflection for today's scripture texts inspired me and even answered my doubts and questions concerning my ministry here.
I think it will be relevant for all of us too so I would like to read out one paragraph of his homily for us to reflect deeper. Please listen to this carefully:
“The question is whether we have the same kind of faith that Abraham, Mary and the apostles had. Although we claim to be believers in God, like Ahaz, the King of Judah, we do not believe in the power and wisdom of God. We rely on our human ingenuity. We trust in our own human reasoning.
The question of faith is replaced by logical thinking and calculated risks. We no longer trust that this Church is a divine institution and that Jesus is in charge of the Church.
We allow our corporate thinking to influence the way we run our churches and activities. We think that it is technique, music, eloquence and organisation that will ensure success in our programs, including our worship services.
Today, more and more emphasis is placed on techniques and human effort rather than allowing the grace of God to work in and through us. It is hard to tell whether the fruits of our success are the work of God or just our human ingenuity which any secular organisation employing the same method would bring about the same results.
One wonders whether it is autosuggestion or the power of God at work.”
Fr. Nivin Scaria
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