Homily: Friday, January 6, 2023, Christmas Weekday

 “I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.”

Every morning I spend at least 5 minutes to put on my boots and tighten the sleeves, and hope that I do not have to remove them anywhere throughout the day. Sometimes when I do visiting, I will have to take off my shoes and leave them outside the house, then I go through the 5 minute routine when I wear them again. Imagine on some days, I visit more than 2 houses.

When I get together with my siblings’ families, I would often help my little nieces and nephews to put on their shoes. It is quite a joyful experience, a moment of bonding when the kids just let me fit their little feet into their little shoes. I enjoy that very much. I am not their parent, but they accept my service and trust that I will do it right for them.

Putting on and taking off shoes can be such a significant act that John the Baptist used it in his reference to Jesus’ divine status. In the Jewish culture, the slave or servant is the one who removes the master’s sandals when he returns and washes his feet as he enters the house.

John claims he is not even worthy to do that job, indicating Jesus’ status is higher and greater than a mere master of the house. Jesus is the Lord of the Universe.

If John, whom Jesus describes as ‘the greatest of all those born from women’, then who are we? Are we even worthy to stand in the shadow of our Lord?

Yet, as unworthy as we are, Jesus chose to die for us, and give His holy body and blood for us, that we may one day live with Him in perfect union, for eternity.

We are not worthy to receive Him, but He has generously given us the privilege to receive and give thanks. That’s all He wants from us. God does not consider our unworthiness; He does not stay away, He comes to us instead.

All of us who recognise this privilege and accept this precious gift with joy and thanksgiving, are blessed. We pray that more will realise how much they are missing and will join us in this heavenly banquet soon. 

Let us be humble like St. John the Baptist. God is with us, let us rejoice and be glad! Amen.

Fr. Nivin Scaria 



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