Homily: Monday, January 9, 2023, The Baptism of the Lord

 “He saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, saying ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased”. 

Before this baptism event, Jesus’ life is known as the ‘hidden life’. The Bible has no record of what happened after ‘the finding Jesus in the temple’ when He was twelve.

When I finally come face to face with Jesus, I would really want to ask Jesus, “What did you do during your hidden life?”

After this baptism, Jesus began what we know as his public ministry. From His short dialogue with John the Baptist, it seems that His baptism at River Jordan is significant and crucial to launch Him into His mission. He must go through it, even though we all know He does not need it for repentance, He has no sin.

So, why is it important for Jesus to go through it?

Because this is when the Heavenly Father anoints Jesus for His ministry and publicly reveals His divine identity as the Son of God to the Israelites. It is announcing to the chosen people that Jesus is His beloved Son.

The same thing happens when we are baptised. The church announces publicly that we are beloved sons and daughters of God, through Jesus. And the Holy Spirit anoints us for our life mission, to know, love and serve God. At that moment, our souls are marked with an indelible sign of our identity. 

Then what happens after our baptism?

It is meant to launch us into our ministry too, to proclaim the good news to all, to live a life of grace from the Holy Spirit, like how the early community gathered at Cornelius’ house we heard in the first reading.

Baptism is a powerful sacrament. Jesus went through it for us and goes through it with us at every baptism. Through it we receive the gifts, graces and charisms to do what Jesus did – heal, cleanse, prophesy, miracles, preach, save souls. Yes, that is our baptismal call – to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, to do what He did.

Have we started our public ministry?

Today on this feast of the Baptism of the Lord, let us reflect on Jesus’ baptism and recall our own baptism, that moment when the heavens open and God anoints us. May we live fully our identity as God’s beloved children, full of the spirit, full of joy, full of love. 




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