Homily: July 20, 2023, Thursday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

 "If they ask me, 'What is his name?' what am I to tell them?" God replied, "I AM who AM."

Yesterday, we asked ‘Who am I?’. Today, God is telling us who He is, but in a deep and profound way.

Do you understand God’s name?

I didn’t understand until I learned it in Scripture class at the Seminary. Still, the explanation of why God identified Himself as ‘I am who am’ is rather complex. The question is, do we really need to understand it?

Did Moses understand it? I don't think so.

At that point in time, Moses was already 80 years old, having spent 40 years shepherding sheep with his Father-in-law Jethro. At that stage of his life, he probably just needed to know what and how, not why.

In the readings, we do not see Moses questioning further, he did not need to be convinced, he just wanted to know what God wants of him and how he should do it. He took it simply but solemnly and followed God's directives with his heart.

When I first came to this country, and attended finance council meetings, I felt as if I had entered the same ‘burning bush’ zone, the meetings were smokey all around, everything discussed was a blur to me and I could catch nothing. And oh, the spreadsheets from the accountant were mind-blowing!

Finally, one day I had to ask her why she used the term ‘reconcile’ so often, isn’t reconciliation between people and with God? Now I know, the sacrament of reconciliation is important in accounting too. Without which, all will be in hell!

To this day, I still struggle to comprehend discussions about the money market and investments. As long as the finance council agrees on a decision, I will move with them, I refrain from asking questions for explanation, I just trust and follow their directives with my gut.

Some of us tend to question everything and are convinced only when the explanations made sense to us, then only with certainty will we move. But in matters of faith, can we expect to know and understand everything? Can we ever comprehend God fully?

‘I AM who AM’.

Take it with a ‘leap of faith’. God is revealed through faith, not facts. Facts tell us about this material world, faith opens our hearts to eternity.

God knows Himself and He knows us. We don’t have to question His identity. Take it squarely that He is who He is, and we are who we are. God is God. Almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, alpha and omega, creator, Father, Savior, provider, now and forever, and much much more.

Let us trust in Him and move with Him confidently. Amen.



Homily: November 16, 2024 Saturday of the Thirty Second week in Ordinary time (Find Faith)

Homily: January 18, 2025, Saturday of the first week in Ordinary Time (High-Priest)

Homilía: Julio 17, 2022, XVI Domingo Ordinario

Homily: November 20, 2023, Monday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time (Hope).

Homily: Janaury 13, Monday of the first week in Ordinary time (Come After me)

Funeral Homily: William J. Baum, June 8, 2023

Homily: April 25, 2023, Feast of Saint Mark, evangelist (Humility)

Homily: Noviembre 15, 2022, Martes de la XXXIII semana del Tiempo ordinario

Homily:August 18, 2024, Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Wisdom)

Homily: March 14, 2023, Tuesday of the Third week in Ordinary time.