Homily: August 27-2023, twenty first Sunday in ordinary time (Who do you say that I am).

 "But who do you say that I am?"

Why did Jesus ask His disciples this question?

Didn’t they all know who He really is?

Let us go back to look at how their discipleship began. Some of them were fishermen, Jesus called them to follow Him, they left their jobs and followed him. Did He tell them, “I am the Messiah you have been waiting for, come follow me”? No.

Some of them were disciples of John the Baptist, when he pointed out Jesus to them, he told them “Behold the Lamb of God,” and they followed Jesus. Did John introduce Jesus as the Messiah? No.

We assume they know that Jesus is the Son of God sent to earth as a human to die for them, because that is how we were introduced to Jesus. But Jesus was never officially presented to the disciples as the Messiah, the Son of God.

Although by this time of Jesus' ministry, the disciples would have been following him daily for a couple of years. He would have taught them many things about the scriptures referring to the Messiah, they would have witnessed the miracles he performed and felt the special presence of God whenever they were with Him. Some of them would have seen the heavens opened at His baptism. 

So, they do know who Jesus is, or do you think they still had doubts?

All of us here who are baptized, have been told Jesus is the Son of God, how He loves us and forgives us our sins if we come to Him in humility, how He can help us if we submit ourselves totally to Him… do you believe or do you sometimes doubt if it is true?

Jesus is asking us, "But who do you say that I am?"

If you truly believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, your God, your Savior, then why do you still fear? Why do you still doubt? Why do you still follow the world and reject His teachings? Why do you follow your own selfish individualistic ways and not His way of humility and way of the cross?

It seems like we are like the first disciples before Pentecost: knowing Jesus in the head but not in the heart.

Jesus is asking us again, “Who do you say that I am?”

Jesus is not asking us based on what we have been told, but based on what we ourselves believe, and it can only come from our relationship with Him.

Jesus is my savior – how does He save you?

Jesus is my Messiah – how is He the focus in your life?

Jesus is my Christ – how does He have control in your life?

Jesus is my friend – how is He intimate and active in your life?

If you do not have a personal relationship with Him, you will not be able to answer His question.

Holy Spirit of God, help me know Jesus. Amen.



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