Homily: September 26, 2023, Wednesday of the twentyfifth week in Ordinary time (Take nothing)

Holy family School mass  

"Take nothing for the journey."

How many of you enjoy going out on a fun trip? What do you usually bring along when you go on a vacation or a long trip? Maybe extra clothes, money, possibly your favorite toy, and various daily essentials, right?

It's logical to want to be well-prepared when we travel.  After all, in this world, we need these things to make our stay away from home as comfortable and secure as possible.

However, Jesus expects His disciples to travel differently when they are sent out on mission. He told them to bring nothing with them. Yes, nothing, not even food and money.

How could they survive? What will they do if they get hungry? Don’t they need to pay to stay in an inn?

Jesus doesn't lie, and He is not joking.  He instructs His disciples to go empty-handed to other towns to preach the Gospel, to perform miracles and to heal people who are sick.


If you look at today’s Gospel reading carefully again, it begins with this, "Jesus summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority."

Jesus gave them power and authority. Whose power and authority? Yes, Jesus’. The disciples will bring nothing but the most important, they will have the power and authority of Jesus. That means Jesus will be with them every step of the way.

The mission of the disciples are very important, of course Jesus will not let them be hungry and weak and in danger. They don’t have to bring anything, yet they will lack nothing. Because with the power and authority of Jesus to do the wonderful work, people around them will take care of their needs. Jesus knows that.

Isn’t it great that you can learn more about Jesus in school? It is a privilege to be in a Catholic school. You have the chance to participate in Mass at least once a week, and your teachers will guide you in prayer and lead you closer to Jesus.

Your teachers carry with them the power and authority to tell you about Jesus. They are like the disciples sent out. You too can tell your friends about Jesus.

Do you think you can do it? If you ever feel uncertain or shy talking about Jesus with others, remember, "Take nothing for the journey."

What is most important to carry with you?

Yes, the power and authority of Jesus. All of you who are baptized, when you do what Jesus asks you to do, He will be by your side, guiding you and providing for you every step of the way. Be confident, fearless and trust Jesus.




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Homily: April 17, 2024 Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter (Jesus does not Reject)

Homily: June 5, 2023, Monday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time (Bury the dead).