Homily: December 10, 2023, Second Sunday in advent (Renewal)

 But according to his promise, we await new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

How many of you change your mobile phones about once every one or two years?

How many of you change your car once every five years?

How many of you change your spouse once every seven years?

Thanks be to God!

We live in a world of disposables, and they say, ‘change is the only constant’. Many of us prefer new stuff, when something is used or old, we discard and get a brand new one. Some of us prefer the old stuff, we try to repair or renew the existing one.

God is the perfect Constant, He does not change, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Yet, He is also the perfect Renew-er, He is constantly renewing us, renewing the earth, renewing His creation. St. Paul says that those who are in Christ are a new creation. Are you really in Christ and is Christ fully in you?

I just learnt that our human cells renew or regenerate on average every 7-10 years. And do you know that our skin cells are renewed or replaced every few weeks, and the cells in our skeletal muscles regenerate every 15 years?

Every day we wake up somewhat newer than the previous day. Every morning is a new beginning; every season is a new start; every year is a new cycle of life.

Life in Jesus is a life of renewal. When we stop renewing, we stop growing, we begin dying. Jesus heals and renews us.

I like a phrase from the Eastertide prayer in the Roman Missal which prays that 'the renewal constantly at work within us may be the cause of our unending joy.' Because we are constantly renewed by God, our joy never ends.

In the first reading, the Israelites who were in exile, wanted a new life. In the second reading, the persecuted Christians were waiting for new life in Christ. The gospel reading declares the beginning of the renewed life as God has promised the Jewish people – the coming of the Messiah, who will liberate them and deliver them from the slavery of sin.

John the Baptist suggests three things to renew their lives: repentance of sin, baptism and reception of the Holy Spirit.

Almost all of us here are baptized and would have received all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and many of us do go for confession, but why is it we do not experience any powerful renewal of faith or spirit in our lives?

Imagine a glass half filled with dirty water. When clean fresh water is poured into this glass to the brim and mixed with the existing dirty water, will the mixture be clean or dirty?

Yes, it remains dirty.

Yes, the dirty water must first be completely poured out before the glass can be filled with and full of clean fresh water.

It is the same with our spiritual life. We cannot be fully renewed no matter how often grace is poured into us, if we do not get rid of all our sins.

We receive baptism only once in our lifetime, but we can receive the sacrament of reconciliation as many times as we need. Advent is a good time for spiritual cleansing, to empty ourselves of all sins and be prepared to receive the full goodness that God wants to pour into our lives with the coming of Jesus. When we confess completely, we receive fully the mercy and forgiveness of God. We will be totally renewed, refreshed, and liberated.

Christmas is God coming to be with us. How well will you be receiving Him this Christmas?

A good confession is the best way to prepare our heart, our mind, our body and our soul for the Lord. The most powerful renewal is the renewal of the spirit. Made pure in spirit, we become the perfect place for the birth of Jesus. Our heart is His favorite dwelling place.

Prepare the way for the Lord, make clean and get ready His dwelling place. Amen.



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