Homily: February 25, 2024, Second Sunday in lent (Obedient to death)

 “And in your descendants all the nations of the earth shall find blessing— all this because you obeyed my command."

This Sunday’s first reading ends with these words. This is so powerful. God promises Abraham that because of his obedience and faithfulness to God, all the nations of the earth all through the generations will be blessed.

It was a very difficult test that Abraham had gone through, his only son who was born at his old age had to be sacrificed as an offering to God, and he was willing.

How many of us would be willing to do the same?

Abraham, a human father, was willing to sacrifice his only son to please God. Would not God, our heavenly Father be willing to sacrifice His only beloved Son to save His people?

Thus, Abraham proved himself worthy to be the father of all the faithful. His obedience and faithfulness remain to this day, 4000 years later, a perfect model for all of us, his descendants.

God called Abraham out of his comfort to a life of seeking the land promised by God. He obeyed and ultimately fulfilled the purpose of his life.

God has called each of us to this life, to this existence, with a plan for us, a purpose, if we obey and follow, we will also ultimately fulfil our purpose and accomplish great things, not for ourselves but for the world.

When I ponder and reflect upon the journey of my life, more and more I am convinced of this. God’s hands are navigating my life when I surrender to Him, and great things are accomplished through His graces, which I, myself am pleasantly surprised oftentimes.

What about your life? Have you let God take control or are you still fighting to have it your way? Are you still stubbornly aiming to fulfil your own dreams and ambitions, instead of seeking God’s will and purpose for you?

The season of Lent is a perfect time for retreat, review and reflection. So that we can reroute, refocus and return to the track that leads back to God.

Lenten observances help us to meditate on the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord through which He fulfilled his mission, so that we can learn how to also fulfil our mission.

The gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke put the transfiguration of Jesus at the centre of their writings. Before the transfiguration, Jesus was becoming more and more popular among the people. After the transfiguration event, Jesus was becoming more and more hated by the Jewish leaders. Jesus began to prophesy about his passion and death, showing His disciples what it meant to be obedient and faithful to God’s will daily. Like Abraham, Jesus was willing to sacrifice His life even to the point of death, to fulfil God’s plan.

Let us imitate Abraham and let us follow Jesus. Let our obedience and faithfulness bring about abundant blessings for many more generations to come. Amen.



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Homily: June 5, 2023, Monday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time (Bury the dead).