Homily: April 27, 2024, Saturday of the Fourth week of Easter (Spread joy )

 "So they shook the dust from their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium. The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit."

This is how today’s first reading ends. Paul and Barnabas were expelled from the city because the Jews were jealous of them preaching to the Gentiles. In the midst of these life-threatening persecutions and rejections, they were not depressed but “were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit”.

The joy that emanates from the depth of a person’s soul can be so powerful that others around can feel the effect, positively or negatively. 

The joy of the early Christians, which was a result of their total embrace of the good news and a gift from the Holy Spirit, was very contagious. 

The disciples went around preaching and teaching with so much joy that even troubles and persecutions could not dampen their spirit. That joy became a powerful witness to the Truth and brought hope to those who converted and believed.

The joy of the Christians even surprised their persecutors and made them wonder what the cause of the joy despite was being persecuted. 

It was unusual, it must be something miraculous and powerful they had in them that could give them such immense joy.

Recently, an RCIA director shared with me that one of his catechumens told her that she became very curious when she noticed her neighbors looking happy and cheerful after they attended church on Sundays. When she understood the joy that came from their faith, she decided to become a Catholic like them.

Life is not easy for any of us; there are challenges, ups and downs, joy as well as pain. Jesus told us, "In the world, you will have troubles." Yet, we do know that there are many who may be having it worse than us, some without faith, some because of the faith.

In spite of everything that we are going through, can we still find deep joy within us, simply because we are a child of God and know that He loves us? With this wonderful realization, may we be able to exude the same cheerfulness and share it with others. May they then be drawn to seek the source of our joy and find it in our faith, in the church. Amen.



Homily: May 14, Feast of St. Mathias (Chosen)

Homily: July 28, 2023, Friday of the sixteenth week in Ordinary time (First commandment).

Homily: May 3, 2022, Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles

Homily: March 6, 2022, First Sunday of Lent

Homily: April 7, 2022, Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Homily: July 18, Monday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time.

Homily: March 2, 2022, Ash Wednesday

Homily: May 18, 2022, Wednesday of the fifth week of Easter.

Homily: April 4, 2022, Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Homilía: Marzo 24, 2022, Jueves de la III semana de Cuaresma.