Homily: July 2, 2024, Tuesday of the Thirteenth week in Ordinary time (Meet God ).

“Prepare to meet your God, O Israel.”

This is the last verse from today’s first reading, and it reminds me of my school days.

When I was in school, from Pre-K right up to high school, there were umpteen times when I was told, “Prepare to meet your principal.”

And that meant trouble. Every principal that had led my school, has had the privilege of punishing me for being naughty or not doing my homework, and occasionally my parents too were called in to meet them. That was so embarrassing for them, and totally shameful for me. Yet it did not stop me from getting into trouble as I progressed through school.

And so, whenever I go to Holy Family School here, and if I see students in the principal's office, it reminds me of my own experience in the past. I imagine that they too probably got into some trouble for not finishing their homework or misbehaving in class.

And if I see a kid from SAC in the principal's office, I would just pretend that I did not look inside and did not see them so they don’t feel more embarrassed. There were times when the principal would ask some of the kids to meet with me as a form of punishment, which I really don’t like. Even worse when sometimes the principals arrange for me to meet with their parents to talk about their kids’ misbehaviors.

I think one of the reasons God made me admin for Holy Family School is that I can empathize with such children, I will treat them with compassion, mercy and love. I know how they might feel because I remember how I felt in school when the same thing happened to me.

The punishments I got did not help me much, they hurt me a lot physically and psychologically. I grew up always worried and anxious, and lacking in self-esteem. I do not wish these kids to go through the same. Honestly, I am even afraid of looking back at those days in the principal's office.

But like it or not, when we break the rules, we have to face the consequences. In school, we have to prepare to meet the principal. At the end of life, we have to prepare to meet God.

Israel disobeyed God, and they had to bear the consequences of their sins. We too will one day have to stand before the judgment seat of our Lord. Will we be joyful or fearful? Would we look forward to that day or would we want to avoid it?

This meeting with the Lord is unavoidable. For the saints and holy people, it will be their most joyful, a moment they had been eagerly waiting for all their life.

For unrepentant sinners, it would be most pitiful to have to hear the words of our Lord, “I do not know you.” I tremble just imagining walking to eternal punishment.

Let us pray for the grace to prepare ourselves to meet our God joyfully at the end of our time on earth.




Homily: March 4, 2025, Tuesday of the Eight week in Ordinary time (Empty Handed)

Homily: March 2, 2022, Ash Wednesday

March 1, 2025: First Holy Communion Homily: St. Joseph's Catholic Church Seffner, Florida

Homily: July 15, 2024, Monay of the fifteenth week in Ordinary time (Pleasing God).

Homily: November, 13, 2023, Monday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time (hiding).

Homily: March 8, 2025, Satruday after the Ash Wednesday (Call of Levi)

Homily: August 28, 2023, Monday of the twenty first week in Ordinary time (Past sins- St. Augustine

Homily: February 14, 2023, Tuesday of the sixth week in Ordinary Time.

Homily: April 17, 2024 Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter (Jesus does not Reject)

Homily: June 5, 2023, Monday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time (Bury the dead).