Homily: August 15, 2024, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (School Mass)

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.”

Did you hear this proclamation in the Gospel reading today?

Do you remember who said these words?

Yes, Mary, the mother of Jesus.

And we are reading this event about Mary because the Church is celebrating a beautiful feastday today, do you know what is the feast?

Yes. We celebrate the feast of the Assumption - more precisely, it is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

And what do we commemorate on this special feast day?

We commemorate that, after her life on earth was done, Mary was assumed into heaven. She was not buried in the ground nor did her body rot in the earth. But we believe that Jesus, her beloved Son, took her from this world and brought her straight to heaven, body and soul.

This is a special privilege that Mary received for several reasons.

First, Mary was faithful to God all through her life. She kept all the Jewish traditions and the Law of God, remained prayerful and did all that her duty as a Jewish girl, wife and mother required of her, even though she went through hardships and challenges. She brought up Jesus well. She trusted God even in the most difficult and painful situations, like seeing Jesus suffer so much and die on the cross. She stayed by His side till the end.

Second, Mary was obedient to God. When God asked her to be the mother of Jesus, even though she did not fully understand how it could happen and how her life would change from then, she said ‘yes’. Mary’s life was a constant "yes" to God. And because of her constant yes to God, Mary had never committed sin. She was free from sin from birth, and remained sinless till her last day on earth, as she never did anything that was not pleasing to God.

Third, Mary was full of grace and humility. Humility is the opposite of pride. People who are humble treat others with respect and love, and put other’s needs before their own.

Today’s Gospel text tells us that Mary was already pregnant with baby Jesus in her womb, and from the angel Gabriel, she found out that her elderly cousin Elizabeth was also miraculously pregnant in her old age. So, Mary went quickly to visit Elizabeth to assist her with her pregnancy till the birth of her baby, even though Mary herself was pregnant too.

And when they saw each other, Elizabeth first praised Mary, for being the mother of the Messiah, but instead of accepting the praises for herself, Mary responded by praising God and giving glory to Him, considering herself a lowly servant. Such is her humility.

How can we also be faithful and obedient to God, and humble like Mary?

There’s a phrase, “charity begins at home,” and the same for all virtues. If you are faithful in prayer, following the teachings of the Church, obedient to your parents and elders, and humble towards your friends, you will carry these qualities throughout your life.

Let us learn to pray like Mary, always giving glory and praise to God: "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.”

Mary, assumed into heaven, pray for us!




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