Homily: October 12, 2024, Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Bible)

 “Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.”

Is the word of God living and effective in your life?

This is my personal Bible. It is in Malayalam, my native language. My papa bought it for me on June 7, 2003, two days before I turned 15 years old. It has been with me ever since. It accompanied me through all my seminary years even when in Rome. I’ve read it many, many times.

If you receive a beautiful letter from someone you love, wouldn’t you read it over and over, many times?

I’ve used my Bible to pray, to praise God, to seek His advice, and to learn more about Him. When I was younger, I had the habit of memorizing a verse from the Bible every day. Over that time, I have memorized hundreds of passages.

In our family, everyone, as well as my parents, had their own personal Bible. My family still keeps my grandpa’s Bible, which was published in 1934. 

Every night, after our family prayer, my parents would spend another 15 minutes to read the Bible. My papa always read the Bible and prayed before making a major decision. He believed strongly that God speaks to us through Scripture, offering advice and consolation. And it is true.

Now, do you have your own personal copy of the Bible? Is it precious to you?

If you don’t have one, I strongly recommend that you get one. Read it as often as you can. Whenever you get the chance or have a few minutes during the day or night, instead of swiping your phone or scrolling online, flip the Bible.

If you find something which speaks to you specially, memorize it, imprint it in your mind and heart, and let it grow into your consciousness, let it rule your soul, let it direct your life, let it become living and effective and see it transform you. It is powerful. It is the word of God.

In today’s Gospel, when a man asked Jesus, “…what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus responded using Scripture. Last Sunday, when he was asked about divorce, He used Scripture to answer. When there was controversy about the Sabbath, He quoted Scripture. Jesus often turned to Scripture to affirm His ministry and identity. He even used Scripture to counter the temptations of the devil. The Word of God has answers to every aspect of life.

Every year, I would choose a theme for the faith formation classes. My first year’s theme was ‘Prayer’, the following year was ‘Saints’. This year, it is ‘The Word of God’. The catechists will thus help the families in our faith formation program to focus on learning more about the Bible this year.

St. Jerome said, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of God.” The more we read the Bible, the closer we come to God. The more we read the words of the One who loves us, the more we would be able to feel His love, and the more we would be able to give love. The love relationship would grow stronger.

Know God, love God, serve God. Read His Word.       Amen



Homilía: 23 de Octubre 2022, XXX Domingo ordinario (ES)

Homily: May 24, 2022, Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter

Homily: August 20, 2022, Saturday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time

Homily: November 27, 2023, Monday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time (Fear of the Lord)

Homilía: Marzo 24, 2022, Jueves de la III semana de Cuaresma.

Homily: November 10, 2023, Friday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time (End of World)

Homily: December 20, 2022, Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Advent.

Homily: December 26,2022, Feast of Saint Stephen, first martyr.

Homily: July 24, 2023, Holy Family School Mass for faculty and staff.