Homily: February 28, Monday of the Eight week in the Ordinary Time.
“You are lacking in one thing.” Jesus said to the man. That man had many possessions, he probably had everything necessary for a very comfortable life and more. Yet, he was still seeking, he had not found fulfilment. Jesus said that he was lacking in one thing. It must be the thing which would make his life complete, which he would find satisfaction and contentment. What is that one thing? I have a secret to share with you. I have a phobia. I am claustrophobic. One of the places I avoid is the elevator, especially when I am alone. Even with someone in it with me, I would suffer extreme anxiety and fear. I would rather take the stairs if I have a choice. I know that elevators in this country are very safe, there are definitely more accidents on the roads than in an elevator. But deep in my subconscious mind, I don’t believe I can survive more than a minute in the elevator. Psychologically, I have zero faith in it, even though intellectually I know it is safe. I can never step...