Homily: June 13, 2023, Tuesday of the Tenth week in Ordinary Time (Original Idendity)

 "He has also placed His seal upon us and given the Spirit in our hearts as a first installment."

What is a seal?

I did a google check and found out that the seal is used to execute a legal document or guarantee the document's authenticity. A seal is unique to a sealer, often bearing the owner's portrait or coat of arms used in much the same way as we use signatures today.

Wow. That struck me.

God has placed His seal upon us. It is like He has His signature on us, claiming us to be His own and guaranteeing our authenticity, that we are really His children, not fake, not imitation.

Because we are truly His children, He gave us what is most precious, powerful and important – His spirit. And that is just the first installment, can you imagine how it will be like when He gives us the full measure of all His gifts?

In Luke’s genealogy, it ended with “the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.” Adam, our first ancestor, was made for divinity. But through his disobedience, through sin, we have all lost our original dignity and prestigious identity. 

That disobedience of our first ancestor was equal to that of disowning his Creator, his Father, thus foregoing his son-ship.

But God wants us back, so He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, through whom we receive our baptism which lets God put His permanent seal upon us and restored our relationship with Him as sons and daughters again.

We did nothing to merit it, but God gives it to us.

There is great beauty, immense dignity, and wondrous glory in our Christian identity. In the Gospel, Jesus made it very clear, "Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father."

Our good deeds will actually shine and bring light to the world and bring glory to God our heavenly Father.

We are sealed and marked for our God. This seal will shine brighter with every humble obedience to our Father’s will. As children, the more we act in line with our Father’s wishes, the greater will be His joy, His satisfaction, His glory.

May His will be done, His Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.



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Homily: March 2, 2022, Ash Wednesday

March 1, 2025: First Holy Communion Homily: St. Joseph's Catholic Church Seffner, Florida

Homily: July 15, 2024, Monay of the fifteenth week in Ordinary time (Pleasing God).

Homily: November, 13, 2023, Monday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time (hiding).

Homily: March 8, 2025, Satruday after the Ash Wednesday (Call of Levi)

Homily: August 28, 2023, Monday of the twenty first week in Ordinary time (Past sins- St. Augustine

Homily: February 14, 2023, Tuesday of the sixth week in Ordinary Time.

Homily: April 17, 2024 Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter (Jesus does not Reject)

Homily: June 5, 2023, Monday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time (Bury the dead).